25 Days left to Step UP

Dear Leaders of the National Alumni Associations,

there are only 25 days left till we re-unite in Reims.

Please find below an updated agenda – that will give us more time together to get-to-know, cooperate and learn from each other.
Bildschirmfoto 2015-10-25 um 16.31.04

Register now at //internationalstartup.org/registration/.

A Bientôt à Reims!

Board of AIESEC Alumni Europe

AAE StepUp Conference is online

Dear European AIESEC Alumni,

we courtly invite you to join us for the first conference of AIESEC Alumni Europe.

At StepUp 2015, Leaders of National Alumni Associations will come together, share their experiences and drive forward the alumni idea in the European countries.

StepUp 2015 will take place in Reims from 20 – 22 November, parallel to the ISUM Conference.

Join us to this major event, come here in the fabulous historical city of Reims, learn more about opportunities that AIESEC Alumni Europe offers to you and grow your network!

Agenda and registration you will find here: //internationalstartup.org/stepup-agenda/

See you soon in Reims!

The Board of AIESEC Alumni Europe

Executive Board Meeting in Feusisberg

Last weekend, the board of AIESEC Alumni Europe came together for a planning weekend in Feusisberg, Switzerland.

We – Christiane, Fabian and Peter – worked on our vision, goals, strategies and year plan.


Fabian, Peter, Christiane

We would like to

  • broaden the AIESEC Alumni Europe network,
  • establish regular communication and
  • support National Alumni Associations to grow.

We will hold monthly calls with the responsibles of the European National Alumni Associations. If you would like to participate on behalf of your countries alumni association, please contact us.

AIESEC Alumni Europe established

AIESEC Alumni Europe has been founded on 12 April 2015 in Porto by ratification of the statutes proposed by the founding board.

P1040739_1024Eight European countries were represented by members: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, UK. Interest has been expressed by Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Portugal and Spain.

The assembly also elected the first executive board of AIESEC Alumni Europe: Christiane Stein as Vice President Communications, Fabian Tschan as Vice President Finance and Peter Mandl as President. P1040737_1024

AAIC in Porto

The last AIESEC Alumni International Congress took place in Porto. More than 120 alumni from 34 countries joined the event. European and international alumni enjoyed the welcoming atmosphere by the Portuguese AIESECers and Alumni.

Gala Dinner at Taylor’s

A new board was elected during the congress:
from left: Guiellermo Herrera, Andrew Rowe, Susanne Pfeuffer, Geraldine Low, Juan Martin Branchi, Hugo Preciado, Ana Maria Mejia, Antonilo Mauricio


October 10-13, 2013 AAIM in Vienna

The AIESEC Alumni International’s next formal AAIM will be held in conjunction with a planned upcoming regional alumni conference that is anticipated for October 10-13, 2013 in Vienna (hosted by AIESEC Alumni Austria).  AAI will seek the level of global participation that is needed for the important legislative reforms AAI wish to propose there.

In addition to sharing progress on AAI’s various programs, AAI plan to address such legislative matters as virtual voting, proxy voting, and the candidate nomination process so as to ensure that all AAI members worldwide have a voice in its governance and to ensure also that the next elected AAI Executive Board (EB) will be able to carry the reform project forward sustainably. This intended broadening of AAI’s governance is in keeping with AAI’s value of inclusivity and is related to the substantial membership expansion that AAI anticipate in the coming year. AAI want to do everything we can to set up the next EB for success.

The Regional Alumni Conference in Serbia

It is happening during the International Presidents Meeting, from 22nd till 24th of February. AIESEC Serbia is honored for being in a position to organize an event like this one, it is a chance to return the Alumni a part of energy that they are still investing in AIESEC.

To read further about the event:


and register here:





Dear AIESEC Alumni,

It may be that years have passed since your last involvement with AIESEC.  You probably have pursued a professional or academic career or maybe started your own business, without meeting AIESECers other than your close friends.  How about boosting your career and enhancing your experience by reconnecting with AIESEC Alumni from Europe and from around the world?

On behalf of AIESEC Alumni International Executive Board, I encourage you to join us at the AIESEC Alumni International Meeting and Regional Alumni Conference on 22-24 February 2013 in Novi Sad, Serbia, alongside with AIESEC’s International Presidents’ Meeting.  The Regional Alumni Conference will also be the founding assembly of the newly proposed AIESEC Alumni Europe.

We have been on a fascinating and challenging journey to unleash enormous potential of AIESEC Alumni. Now it is time to unveil new AAI services,  precise alumni organizational roles at the international, regional, and national levels and discuss how to  contribute to the alumni growth in Europe.  I hope to see you sharing ideas and getting engaged in discussion that will help us to mark the path ahead!

According to a valued AIESEC-tradition, you will be enriched by the multi-layered history of Novi Sad, Serbian folklore and present outlook, and the gala for AIESEC’s 60th anniversary in former Yougoslavia.  AAIM and RAC is also great opportunity to reconnect with fellow alumni and establish new ‘win-win’ connections that will inspire and stimulate professional careers and businesses.

Book your calendar now for 22-24 Feb 2013 and expect registration opening soon; more details can be found at //gls2013.org , e-mail office@gls2013.org.

AIESECly yours,

David Epstein
AIESEC Alumni International

Hey AIESEC Alumni!

We are happy to welcome you on the page of AIESEC Alumni Europe!

We want to reach out to all AIESEC alumni and their alumni associations in Europe.

We are looking forward hearing your comments on our ideas and activities.