Cleanup day in Brussels-Schaerbeek – Interview to Jan Peeters

No matter how complicated this year was, AIESEC Alumni is not stopping its activities toward the well being of the earth. One of the main international activities organized in this area is the World Cleanup Day, the annual event where individuals gather for one day all over the globe to pick up trash and get rid of unwanted waste in public places. Last year this one-day-event united around 20 million people in 180 countries!

In 2020 the pandemic slowed us down, but in Brussels-Schaerbeek the World Cleanup Day took place in complete respect to the pandemic safety regulations and we are glad to link you to the interview that Krisztina Kapuvari did to Jan Peeters, from the board of AIESEC Alumni in Belgium to let us know more about the organiser’s perspective.

Read the article: Cleanup day in Brussels-Schaerbeek by AIESEC Alumni


Even if we are not able to travel, we can still meet and learn during the V-E-Co , the Virtual European Congress that will take place online on November 21st and 22nd, 2020.

We will have the opportunity to talk about what each National AIESEC Alumni entity is doing and what we have done and will be doing at European Level.

Agenda will be communicated shortly but in the meanwhile:


New ATP is Living Sustainably – start your projects now!

In autumn 2019, AIESEC Alumni Europe announced the next Alumni Theme Programme: Living Sustainably. Alumni and National Alumni Associations will run projects, discussions and campaigns around this topic over the next two years.

Living sustainably should

  • give us all the opportunity to think about our current lifestyle, relationships, actions and environment,
  • create awareness for environmental topics,
  • lead to changes in our lifestyle, relationships, actions and environment and
  • spur engagement with alumni and the community to make those changes happen.

Sustainable Development Goals especially targeted:

Projects and actions of the different alumni and National Alumni Associations are collected on a website. We will publish the link later.

Convocation to AIESEC Alumni Europe’s General Assembly

To be held on November 9th 2019 11:00 at Hotel NH Hotel Palermo, Foro Italico Umberto in Palermo, Italy. 

The Agenda of this General Assembly is

  1. Welcome
  2. Nomination of Chairperson
  3. Report of AAE Board including Financials
  4. Discharge of AAE Board
  5. Presentation of candidates for AAE Executive Board
  6. Election of the president for the term 2019/2021 (2 years)
  7. Vote of Confidence for Executive board members for the term 2019/2021 (2 years)
  8. Budget presentation
  9. Vote for Acceptance of Budget
  10. Election of Auditors for the term 2019/2020 (1 year)
  11. Miscellaneous
  12. Discharge of Chairperson
  13. Closing of Session 

This letter goes to all European Alumni managers, as this meeting will be open to all Alumni interested in Alumni management. Voting rights are restricted to AAE members. These are Alumni leaders representing National Alumni Associations, which signed a collaboration agreement with AAE. If requested AAE members can grant speaking rights to non-members. For questions and putting forward motions, please contact Peter Mandl. 

(Peter Mandl, President AIESEC Alumni Europe)

Alumni living the AIESEC Values

AIESEC Alumni Europe started the AIESEC Values in campaign mid-July and features alumni from all over Europe and the world who live the values. 

AIESEC agreed on a set of shared behaviors – the values – that shape its organizational culture. These values bring the AIESEC Way to life by guiding our everyday actions and decisions.

Following IPM 1999, AIESEC needed to complete the values component of its description that would guide our actions and operations. At International Congress 1999 in South Africa, AIESEC ran through a process for doing this and also explored what it needed to do to utilize its common association global description and ideals to increase its profile, impact and results. Half a year later at IPM 2000 the organization agreed on the VALUES and simplified the THE WAY WE DO IT statement – it was an historical event in which the global association confirmed its commitment by legislating the complete description.

While the pictures and icons that go with the values were adjusted over the years, the values remained as they were: Enjoying Participation – Acting Sustainably – Living Diversity – Demonstrating Integrity – Activating Leadership – Striving for Excellence.

Thirty alumni from 24 countries (Australia, Benin, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Croatia, France, Germany, Hongkong, Hungary, India, Italy, Ivory Coast, Lithuania, Macedonia, Nigeria, Peru, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, United States, UK) tell us how they live, see and feel the values in their everyday life.

You can follow, like and share their stories on 





Share your own story now!

ERAC Workshops open for registrations

We have decided on the ERAC workshops and you can now sign up for one of them:

Sina Mehl – Tackle your problems by doing (almost) NOTHING
Dieter Langenecker – You Are More Than You Think You Are – Living A Life You Love
Albin Bankuti – How to apply for and get a job in the Digital Age
Matúš Horváth – Know yourself/ Self Awareness
Sergio Razo / Gábor Cséffalvay / Johannes Koehn -Holistic Well-Being and Consciousness with FirstBeat device


For the conference itself, you can register here: //


New national Boards of Germany & Italy

National Boards across Europe are constantly changing – at the beginning of 2018 the new German board took office and last week Italy elected a new board for three years.

We present you the 2018 board of AIESEC Alumni Germany (AAG) who hosted our #ERAC2016 together with #AAGRhineCruise in #Germany. AIESECAlumni Germany is the biggest #NAA in Europe and the world with nearly 600 paying members. #ALUMnites are organized in Berlin, Frankfurt, Giessen, Hamburg, Munich and other cities. AAG has a close relationship with AIESESC and runs workshops at National Conference and sponsors AIESECers with money and mentors for their #exchange.
AAG signed the partnership agreement with #AAE three years ago at the first #StepUp2015 in Reims. Last year, AAG added a financial agreement and supports AAE with 1400 Euro per year. AAG will also host #StepUp2018 in September in parallel to #RhineCruise & #SummerConference.

We present you the new board of AIESECAlumni Italy (AAI) who hosted our #ERAC2017 in #Roccamare. Italy is the second biggest #NAA in Europe with 100 paying members. The board and other alumni organize #ALUMnites in Milan, Rome, Turin and other cities as well as company visits and did a survey on UN #SDG. AAI signed the partnership agreement with #AAE two years ago at #AAIC in Warsaw.

Meet our trainers at ERAC

At the European Regional Alumni Congress, we will offer several workshops to advance your personal development. Choose your favorite and sign up now for the conference:

  • Sustainable Performance Lifestyle: Mindful Balance at Work & Home by Sergio Razo
  • Using Technology for Your Leadership Development by Mihai Moghoiur
  • How to become a social entrepreneur? by Maya Doneva
  • To Motivate or to Lead? What is the role of Communication in a Team? by Ed Hahn



AAE is looking for a Conference Manager

conference manager

AIESEC Alumni Europe is looking for a Conference Manager. AAE organises StepUp Meetings (next NAA leaders meeting will be in London 10-12.11.2017) and European Regional Alumni Conferences (ERAC, spring / summer 2018 location to be defined). This role starts about 4 – 6 months before the event and ends after the successful conference organisation.


– Responsibilities

  • Contact person for Conference
  • Collaborate with AAE Board to plan conference Agenda
  • Collect and make available all conference information
  • Manage Conference infrastructure and Logistics
  • Manage Agenda execution at conference

– Requirements

  • Customer oriented mind set
  • Demonstrated organisational skills
  • Ability to travel to the conference responsible for

You will work together with the Executive Board of AIESEC Alumni Europe (currently 4 people), the boards of the European NAAs and initiative groups and the OC of the organising entity.


  • Be an internationally recognised member of AIESEC Alumni community
  • Making AIESEC Alumni relevant in the society
  • Working in a European virtual team
  • Enjoy the AIESEC passion!

Found yourself? Email   by 31th August 2017 and let us know why this is your position.




Registration open for European Regional Alumni Congress!

The European Regional Alumni Congress is the annual congress bringing together alumni from all over Europe to meet, network and discuss.

The 2017 ERAC will take place at Hotel Roccamare in Italy from 18th to 21st May 2017. Parallel, AIESEC Alumni Italy will host WOWcheWeekend from 19th to 21st May, so you will have vast opportunity to meet Italian alumni, enjoy delicious Italian food and learn more about another National Alumni Association.

You can register now for ERAC with your Credit Card or by Bank transfer. All information about the congress, you will find here.

The fee includes accommodation, meals, conference fee and parties inside the hotel.

Early bird prices run till 21st February 2017.

Connecting communities through social entrepreneurship

AIESEC Alumni logo

As AIESEC Alumni, we often search for ways to connect with our communities and continue the work we started as members.  We will try to showcase the options you have as Alumni to be involved within your local and global communities.

Kiva is one such example. Kiva is an international non-profit organization, which was established in 2005 and is based in San Francisco (USA). Its mission is to alleviate poverty by creating a platform where people can connect through lending. The organization allows people to lend money to individuals or projects of their choice, for sums as small as $25. We got in touch with AIESEC Alumni, Lars Herrig to find out more about this organization.

AAE: Tell us a bit about yourself.

LG: I was an active member of the AIESEC local committee Bochum and with an active role for AIESEC MC Germany during 1985-1988. My last position at the LC-level was LCP and at MC Germany as “Beirat”, which was something similar to an advisory board.

AAE: What is Kiva and how did you get involved with it?

LG: Kiva is an American NGO, which offers the option to lend money from private persons as a micro credit to entrepreneurs in more than 80 countries of the world, using local partner organizations. You can lend money in sectors like agriculture, food, retail, service, education and much more. I was invited by other AIESEC Alumni team captains like Adeep and Wolfgang. I want to improve the impact of AIESEC in Kiva, and because of this I was appointed to be the fourth team captain of AIESEC @ Kiva.

AAE: How long have you been involved with Kiva?

LG: I have been a member of the team for a year now. Other members in our teams have been active in Kiva for 8 or 10 years already.

AAE: Who is on the AIESEC Alumni Kiva team?

LG: There are 183 AIESEC members or AIESEC Alumni active in the team. You can see all members using this link:

AAE: What projects have you been involved with so far?

LG: I made 21 loans in 19 countries spread all over the world in education, construction, agriculture etc.

AAE: Which projects have stood out for you personally so far? Are there any specific projects you would like to showcase for our readers?

LG: I decided to invest in short term loans to be able to lend the repaid money as soon as possible to another project. I’m looking for sustainable projects in areas with difficult financial infrastructure.

AAE: Do you choose the microfinance projects as a team within Kiva or is it an individual choice of who to sponsor through the microloans?

LG: It is mostly an individual decision for which projects I’m supporting. Some members do not have enough time to search for interesting loans by themselves and they are interested in getting some recommendations. Sometimes there are special Kiva promotions. By following these promotions you’ll get some matching investments from other funds. This means that if I’m lending 25 USD to a project in agriculture, the fund will fund another 25 USD.

AAE: What would you say to someone who is thinking about joining the Kiva community? Why should they do it?

LG: We should support entrepreneurs all over the world, who want to be responsible for their own life and for their families by taking a loan, using it for an investment and paying the money of the loan back. In my opinion it is good to support people to do their own business in their home countries.


You can find out more about the organization here: The Kiva AIESEC Alumni team of 187 members is currently supporting a total of 844 projects. Since its start the team has manged to fund 7894 loans and is actively involved in the organization. Below you can see a break down of the project sectors currently being funded, as well as the regions of the projects in question.

Please join the AIESEC team on Kiva:


If you know of projects or initiatives which AIESEC Alumni could get involved with, please let us know. Let’s take one step further together to achieve the AIESEC vision. #SustainableDevelopmentGoals

AAE Summer 2016 part I

It has been a busy summer for our team. Over the next few posts we will give a short overview of the different conferences we took part in.

European Regional Alumni Congress 2016


This year’s European Regional Alumni Congress (ERAC) took place between July 7th – 10th in Germany, in Castle Stahleck, near the Rhine River. Organized by AIESEC Alumni Germany (AAG), its Board members and OCP Carsten Tonn, the conference was set up together with the AAG flagship event: The Rhine Cruise. This event has enjoyed a large popularity since 2005, with AIESEC Alumni from all generations with their families joining together to meet in one of the most beautiful parts of Germany and discuss topics, interact and just enjoy the great atmosphere.

This year was no different. Along with workshops on topics ranging from NAA development to the Alumni Theme Programme, conference participants had the opportunity to meet and share ideas with AIESEC Alumni from all over Europe. Overall more than 180 participants took part in the event.


The Rhine River and the entrance to Castle Stahleck


First day of workshops



The Rhine Cruise


AIESEC through the generations

New collaboration agreements within AAE

AIESEC Alumni logo

Our team is excited to announce that two new collaboration agreements were signed during AAIC 2016, in Poland during this past August. Christiane Stein, representing AIESEC Alumni Europe, signed collaboration agreements with AIESEC Alumni Poland, represented by Renata Maroszek, Adriana Bernecka Vel Dzika and Andrzej Voigt, and with AIESEC Alumni Italy, represented by Salvatore Lombardo (Toto).

As part of our collaboration agreements we plan to work on further promoting the AIESEC Alumni activities, sharing best practices and organizing conferences and events targeted for our alumni community.

We look forward to a fruitful collaboration!


Adriana, Renata & Christiane


Toto & Christiane

Alumni Theme Program launch


Engage AIESEC Alumni in Fulfilling Humankind’s Potential

AIESEC Alumni Europe (AAE) launched the Alumni Theme Program (ATP) in 2016 as a regional program to increase AIESEC Alumni’s positive impact on the world. AIESEC Alumni share AIESEC’s values of empowering People for Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind’s Potential.

Central to the Alumni Theme Program is a theme to be declared for a time frame of two years. During this period ATP projects should relate to this theme. All projects are to be documented and results recorded. These documents are centrally collected and compiled by AAE. After two years this compilation is to be published and a new theme will be defined.

Defining a theme will involve many stakeholders with AIESEC Alumni and will take about six months. The new theme will be decided on and introduced at an AAE conference. National Alumni Associations will be asked to embrace the new theme and support local ATP projects.

Publishing the theme’s result will be done in the form which fits best the theme, results and targeted audience.

AAE’s ATP is modeled on the Global Theme Program (GTP) which was run by AIESEC in the 1990’s. AAE has asked and was granted AI’s permission to run an updated Alumni version.

AIESEC Alumni Europe is AIESEC Alumni’s European regional organisation. It supports National AIESEC Alumni Associations in Europe by fostering collaboration, organizing conferences and running regional programs.